Office hours

Office hours during the exam period, daily from 10:00 - 12:00.


Monday, 03.02 Tuesday, 04.02 Wednesday, 05.02 Thursday, 06.02 Friday, 07.02

  Tim B-WuG


Monday, 10.02 Tuesday, 11.02 Wednesday, 12.02 Thursday, 13.02 Friday, 14.02

  Sebastian B-BWL

  Lennard B-BW


 Anne B-BWL

 Lea B-BWL

  Anna B-BWL

  Bibi B-IM

Monday, 17.02 Tuesday, 18.02 Wednesday, 19.02 Thursday, 20.02 Friday, 21.02

  Eric B-IM


 Tim B-WuG




Dear students,

On this page, you can find our office hours for the Winter Semester 24-25. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to drop by. During our office hours, you can also pick up memory protocols of old exams. You can find how it all works here.


Currently, the office hours take place only in person. If you have any questions, we can also be reached via email (mail [@]


The office is located in Building 22 part C, room 013.


We are looking forward to seeing you!
Your FaraWiwi





Last Modification: 31.01.2025 - Contact Person: Webmaster